feromangán, filtračné prvky z textílie, electronic data exchange services.(2), gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates., construction work for highways, roads., časti elektrónok a trubíc, explosives and fine chemical products., document management services., floor-standing lamps., fabrication work., domovnícke a údržbárske služby, data-communications equipment., electrical installatio, diving-school services., construction work for restaurants and similar facilities., closed-circuit television cameras., drôty, dôchodkové investovanie, čerpadlá odpadových vôd, časti jadrových reaktorov, dessert mixes., dozimetrický systém, grain mill products., elektrické hriankovače, disaster recovery services., construction work for bridges., časti a príslušenstvo obrábacích strojov, gold., gumené pásy, fuel-tanker trucks.