čistenie dopravných zariadení, electronic detection apparatus., disposable non-chemical medical consumables and haematological consumables., dezinfekcia dymom (zadymovanie), cemetery works., časti prvkov ozubených prevodov a riadenia, cider and other fruit wines., autobusové prístrešky, electrical-system repair services., dictionaries, maps, music books and other books., demontážne zariadenia, construction work for art and cultural buildings., dôchodkové investovanie, diódy, electricity supply installations., canned asparagus., drilling services., application work of anti-corrosive coatings., earthmoving work., electrical engineering installation works., drevotriesková doska, cold-storage installations., buildings of particular historical or architectural interest., banské drevo, balloons, dirigibles and other non-powered aircraft., christmas tree lights., clinical chemistry system., barometre