gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates., čistenie kancelárskych zariadení, gold., erection of railings., demontážne práce, data transmission services., časti radiátorov ústredného kúrenia, digital cartography equipment., diagnostic devices., etikety, čistenie textilu, fire-alarm system installation work., gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggreg, digital cadastral maps., family-planning services., doprava trajektom, horse or hand-drawn carts and other non-mechanically-propelled vehicles., filing equipment., environmentálne školenia, dverové prahy, hydinárske mechanizmy, elektroinštalácie pre železnice, časti pracovných vozíkov, electricity distribution and related services., infill work., hrozienka, fresh cheese., disc brakes., dverové zámky, ground-drainage work.