artificial fur articles., dlaždice, cable-supported transport systems., dopravníkové pásy, dlažobné dosky, buildings of particular historical or architectural interest., čistiace a asanačné služby v mestských alebo vidieckych oblastiach a súvisiace služby, časti tepelných čerpadiel, apparatus for sound, video-recording and reproduction., building purchase services., communications equipment., dozor, canned vegetables., dressings., construction of furnaces., critical design target specification services., construction work for oil pipelines., dental probe., cigarettes., dessert mixes., construction work for restaurants and similar facilities., dekoračné potreby, dental x-ray., earphones., časti visiacich zámkov, antidiaroiká, črevné protizápalové/protiinfekčné činidlá, drviče, cannulae., architektonické, stavebné, inžinierske a inšpekčné služby