ferochróm, gumené plachty, čistenie dopravných zariadení, detektory dymu, časti zariadení na rezanie horniny, development consultancy services., eskalátory, headphones., foundation work and water-well drilling., flatwork for sports fields., hospital and related services., hotelové ubytovacie služby, časti chladiacich a mraziacich zariadení a tepelných čerpadiel, general anti-infectives for systemic use, vaccines, antineoplastic and immunodul, dispečerský sy, distribution switchboards., health and social work services., foundation work., fracture appliances, pins and plates., časti žeriavov, construction work for ski lifts., hmotnostné spektrometre, construction work for highways, roads., časti ventilátorov, drevené krovy, electric motors., elektroinštalačné rúrky, diódy, devices for the disabled.